Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Seven Week Positive Discipline Class and Developing Capable People CDs

I recently finished facilitating a seven-week-class in Positive Discipline. This is the first seven week class I’ve taught in over 30 years (I’ve been teaching the two-day workshop on Teaching Parenting the Positive Discipline Way), to teach other people how to facilitate the 7 week classes) and I loved it. It was so gratifying to experience the class members go from total confusion after hearing that Positive Discipline does not advocate any punishment, rewards, or praise, to excitement as they discovered how well the Positive Discipline non-punitive tools work to avoid power struggles and parent micro-managing to helping their children develop feelings of capability and a desire for respectful cooperation. I just received the following email from one of the class members.

Dear Jane,

Thank you so much for an enlightening journey these past weeks. I've learned a lot and am seeing positive results, daily, through what you've taught me. I am deeply grateful.

I bought my husband the Stephen Glenn CDs and he is applying the tools not only with our son but in his workplace. It's amazing how enabling it is to deal with conflict resolution from a positive perspective...and, the big bonus is reduced stress for everyone involved!

Angie Batt

I encouraged everyone in the class to purchase the Developing Capable Young People CDs as a great supplement to all they were learning—and to share with their spouses.

Some of you may know that H. Stephen Glenn died in 2004. He was a very charismatic speaker who made people laugh while they learned very important concepts about helping children develop skills and belief in their capability.

Jane Nelsen

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