Tuesday, August 18, 2009


If you have listened to the news lately, you have heard some of the debates over healthcare reform. The fighting, shouting, name-calling and taking things out of context, could be humorous if we were watching three-year-olds.

What could the politicians and “talking heads” learn by observing a Positive Discipline Class Meeting or a Positive Discipline Family Meeting?
  1. To be respectful?
  2. To take turns talking instead of interrupting each other. (Maybe they could even start using a talking stick to know whose turn it is.)
  3. To stop the name-calling, taking things out of context, slanting comments to fit their point of view.
  4. To listen and validate another point of view. (Validating does not mean agreeing.)
  5. To stop focusing on being right and making each other wrong.
  6. To brainstorm for solutions and choose those that are respectful to everyone.
  7. To develop social interest (concern for the needs of everyone) instead of power to push personal agendas.
What would happen if everyone refused to listen to all 24-hour news stations for a week? A month would be even better. We wouldn’t miss anything. They would still be talking about the same things, 24-7. And, they might get the message that we are not entertained by so much negativity. Anyone want to join me in a book titled Positive Discipline for Politicians and Talking Heads?

Just kidding.